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Le paintball est un sport

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 Virtue crown

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2 participants


Nombre de messages : 28
Age : 43
Localisation : là ou ya un SAB
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Virtue crown   Virtue crown Icon_minitimeDim 15 Juin 2008 - 21:20

Vu sur Pbnation:

"Special Pre-Release @ the MAO: The ALL NEW Virtue® Crown™ will be avaliable in limited quantities at the MAO-only. The first batch have been shipped to the event, so Virtue Crowns will not begin shipping from our warehouse until sometime after the MAO event. This is the "secret" feeding system you may have heard about if you're 'in the know' or saw Ollie Lang, Johnny Perchak, Pete U, Marecello Maggott and others field-testing our prototypes at Huntington Beach and Malaga!

The Virtue® Crown™ "lid-less" feed system makes reloading easier than ever while. No more opening the lid. No more paintballs spilling out or feeders popping off. The Crown's patent pending hinged elastomer design allows paint to flow freely into the hopper while preventing paint from coming back out -- no matter how hard you shake it or how hard you dive.

Guaranteed to Feed Faster & More Securely

The Crown for the HALO includes 3 parts: Locking Ring, Crown, and the Extension Collar. Players who want the lowest possible profile do not need to use the Extension Collar, and can simply attach the Crown to the hopper and lock it in place with the Locking Ring.

However, the Extension Collar offers a minimal height increase, while increasing paint capacity and improving reloading performance.

Key Features

* Ultra Fast Lid-Less Feed
* No Rise Low Profile Option
* Secure Locking Ring w/ Thumbscrew
* Durable, Memory Resistant Elastomer Will Not Crack or Get Brittle
* Available in Ultra-Soft or Standard Elasticity Versions.
* Extra Paint Capacity (with optional, including, extension collar) - HALO only
* Compatible with HALO, Magna, Revolution, Force, Eye Force (Vlocity versions coming soon)

The Crown is available in two types of Elastomer. Neither is "best", decide based on your style of play.

Standard Elastomer:
Offers a quick reload with NO chance of paint coming out. Rigid, but flexible Elastomer lets NO balls out, even with the most vigorous shaking. Can be used without the Extender for a LOW PROFILE on the HALO / MAGNA, but for best results with LOW PROFILE setups use the Ultra Soft Elastomer (see below).

Ultra Soft Elastomer:
The fastest reload with a low chance of paint coming out. Ultra Soft Elastomer keeps paint from coming out under most conditions, but vigorous shaking may lose a few balls. For LOW PROFILE on HALO / MAGNA it's better to use the Ultra Soft Elastomer (see below).

Option (included) Extension Collar:
The HALO / MAGNA have a shallow basin near the drive cone, so an Extension Collar is provided for a more consistent feed. The Extender also allows you to pack an extra 20 balls into the hopper before the start of a game. For LOW PROFILE setups without the Extender, we suggest using the Ultra-Soft Elastomer Crown. If using the Crown without the Extender, a slight downward tilt while reloading yields the best results. The downward tilt is only needed/helpful if you are not shooting while reloading. If you are shooting and reloading keep your gun up and the Crown will feed great. "

Virtue crown Crown-10
Virtue crown Crown-11
Virtue crown Why-cr10
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L'admin est une fille !!!
L'admin est une fille !!!

Nombre de messages : 508
Date d'inscription : 20/04/2007

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MessageSujet: Re: Virtue crown   Virtue crown Icon_minitimeDim 15 Juin 2008 - 21:48

Il a l'air bien ce system
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Nombre de messages : 28
Age : 43
Localisation : là ou ya un SAB
Date d'inscription : 15/06/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Virtue crown   Virtue crown Icon_minitimeDim 15 Juin 2008 - 21:58

oui je crois que je vais commender le mien parce que l'inconvénient avec les coques hybrid, cranium (pour halo) c'est qu'elles n'ont pas la petite gorge faite pour tenir le speed feed, donc a force de faire des super man le speed feed saute régulierement, meme en bourrant de scotch!!!!
L'aventage avec le crown c'est que tu dispose d'une systeme type, "cerflex"
Donc qui s'adapte à la taille de toutes coques...... Twisted Evil
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MessageSujet: Re: Virtue crown   Virtue crown Icon_minitime

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